From Indivisible

On May 25, George Floyd, a 46-year-old Black man, was murdered by Derek Chauvin, a white Minneapolis police officer. Chauvin kneeled on Floyd’s neck for seven minutes, suffocating him as Floyd pleaded repeatedly that he couldn’t breathe. Videos of the murder went viral with many noting the devastating similarities between Floyd’s killing and that of Eric Garner in 2014. In response, Twin Cities residents took to the streets to protest both Floyd’s death and the long legacy of anti-Black racism and police violence in the city and in our nation. 

While the four officers responsible for Floyd’s death were fired, we know justice has not yet been achieved. 

The protests have persisted, despite being met with increasing violence from the Minneapolis Police Department. Protestors have been tear-gassed and met with disproportionate use of force. 

George Floyd’s death is horrific, but not unique. America’s police and criminal justice systems are the legacies of our country’s white supremacist, slave-owning history. Structural racism persists across every facet of American life and is perhaps most evident in the way that law enforcement interacts with communities of color. All across the country, Black people are more likely to be harassed, arrested, and killed by police than their white counterparts. 

We have a national crisis of white supremacist violence against Black people in this country. In the past 10 years alone, we witnessed the deaths of thousands of Black people at the hands of police. Breonna Taylor, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, and Philando Castile are just some of the names of those we’ve lost to racialized police violence. 

What you can do right now to help

At Indivisible, we believe Black Lives Matter without qualifications, asterisks, or add-ons. We also believe in the right for communities to protest and protect themselves against state-sanctioned violence. 

To support Black people in the Twin Cities fighting for their community, we recommend donating and supporting these local organizations: 

In addition, we encourage Indivisibles to pursue their own anti-racist education. Here are a few resources we found helpful:

A note for social media: You’ll notice we didn’t link to video of any of these horrific incidents. That’s on purpose. Out of respect for those affected by these acts of violence, we urge readers not to continue sharing these traumatic videos and instead focus on lifting up the right voices, taking the right actions, and supporting the right organizations. 

What can Congress and candidates do?

We need transformative change in our country—and there’s no silver bullet. But here are a few things that elected officials and candidates can do right now:

Ask your representative to co-sponsor the Omar-Pressley resolution. Reps. Ilhan Omar (MN-5) and Ayanna Pressley (MA-7) have introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives condemning police violence. Call your representative and demand that they co-sponsor the resolution and speak out publicly about the need for the House to pass it without delay. 

Protest Safety

In the wake of everything that is happening right now, we know that some of you are anxious to show up in the best way that you can. In some instances, that might mean attending a local protest. With all of the safety concerns—from exposure to Coronavirus to the possible eruption of violence, this is a very personal decision. One that we are not advocating for one way or another. However, we do want to make sure, if you do decide to venture out to stand with your fellow brothers and sisters, that you stay as safe as possible. With that said, we thought it would be beneficial to provide a few safety tips: 

The Anti-Police Terror Project has identified best practices for safety if you choose to attend in-person protests or events. Know the risks and do what you can to minimize the risk for you and those around you.

  1. If you’re feeling under the weather, you should reconsider attending the event for the safety of both yourself and others. 
  2. Wear a mask. And try to wear the most effective one that you have access to—if there ever was a time to wear a mask with a filter, this is it. Here’s a resource about the best types of homemade masks. 
  3. Bring extra masks and hand sanitizer for others at the protest that don’t have them.
  4. Maintain 6 feet of social distancing at all times
  5. Attend with a protest buddy. Stay together and have the National Lawyers Guild Legal Hotline 415.285.1011 written on your arm in case you are arrested. Let your buddy know who to contact if you are.
  6. Be aware of the health implications of being arrested, both for you and your community.
  7. If you are Black or Brown and are arrested, please let the National Lawyers Guild know when you call. The Anti Police-Terror Project has bail funds and will work through the night to get you home. 
  8. In some areas, breaking the Shelter In Place (SIP) order has serious legal implications—it can result in a misdemeanor, punishable by jail time or a large fine—in some cases $600 to $1000—that is selectively enforced. Know this and be aware of the consequences of being in the streets if you see cops writing tickets or closing in on you.
  9. If you are exposed to tear gas or mace, do NOT use water. That will likely only prolong the effects. 
  10. Follow your instincts and follow instructions. Keep yourself out of harm's way—if you see violence erupting, or feel uncomfortable, remove yourself from the area or situation immediately. And if police give orders, do your best to respectfully obey. 

We know that these are upsetting times and that we all want to be able to stand up and do something. This is not the world we want, this is not the world we’re working for. We’ll have more resources coming shortly about actions you can take from home, soon. Until then, please stay safe.