If you are a registered Democrat, please plan to vote today, Thursday, September 13, 2018, in the Democratic Primary. The
selection of candidates to run in the November general election is


It is also important that we demonstrate to the Country that Democrats are strongly motivated to retake control of a national government that is in peril because of an unfit President and a Republic congressional majority that is more concerned with power than with liberty, justice, good will, and national reputation.


Lookup where you vote.If you want to know whether you are a registered Democrat and where you vote, go to the following page of the New York State Board of Elections:



See a listing of the candidates
Click here to download a pdf with a listing of the candidates that will appear on the Rockville Centre ballot for the primary and for the general election:



See the major newspaper editorials concerning the Democratic Primary candidates for Governor, Lt. Governor and Attorney General:




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